What I Ate Wednesday 7.20.16

It’s been so long since I’ve done one of these; I’m excited to be back!

Lately, I can’t stop eating vegetables (like always!). But, it’s becoming intense. Most days I’ll wake up and actually crave vegetables for a bit. But after I drink some water, then I kind of realize I don’t want a bag of spinach for breakfast…
This was actually my Monday meals, but since I got a full day of pictures when I wasn’t working during the day, I figured it would work out fine for our purpose!


  I’ve really been wary of how much dairy I consume as it messes with my stomach. For some (wonderful) reason, greek yogurt doesn’t usually create any pain or discomfort, probably as it’s cultured.. As a person whose been working on getting more proteins into my diet, especially in the AM, a good ol’ Siggi’s dairy yogurt bowl (and black coffee!) with my homemade vegan muffins and granola works perfectly and kept me full through my hot yoga sesh! With breakfast, I always try to hit the three macros: protein, carbs and healthy fats.That way I get the best start to the day.


Lately, I’ve been insanely interested in middle eastern food. I don’t know what it is, but I’ve always been in love with spice, and now it’s really kicking in. An inspiration of mine recently has been Caitlin over at frommybowl ! A vegan food blogger and youtube, she’s helped me start to think about recipes and different things to try. I hate being stuck in ruts and unfortunately I’ve been eating a lot of the same things. THIS BOWL THOUGH! Curried lentil “chana masala” (or at least close???) With a ton of spices, flavor and paired with quinoa and greens. I’ll have to post my take on it.



I picked blueberries (10 lbs, people) the other day so right after lunch I devoured like, half a container. I’m obsessed, okay?

 Then I went shopping for dorm things, and ate raw nuts and ended up at our local farm where i bought a pickle. Not in a jar either. My first ever fresh as heck pickle. Super neat. Once home, I did some ab work, made my lunch for the following work day and threw together a really pretty salad to eat at work later that night because I have to work at a desk for five hours and I need some good food to tide me over…


My amazing salad: bed of greens, roasted sweet potatoes (cold! the best way to eat them!), balsamic tofu, roasted veggies and roasted red pepper hummus from Cedar’s (not pictured). The only way to get through my night.

That was my day! What types of things do you use to fuel your weekdays?





What I Ate Wednesday (3.16.15)

Wow, a week goes by super fast!

And not only is that really, really exciting; but next week is only three and a half days and then…… SPRING BREAK! I am oh- so ready for a break from class! My family takes a trip to a little Florida island every year, therefore I’m goin’ away and hoping to enjoy some sunshine, incredible eats (which of course you will be fully informed of!), and spending time with my fam bam.

But that’ s the next coming weeks. Now let’s talk about what’s goin’ on now!

Lately the oatmeal cravings have been hard to control. Not sure what the kick is fueled by, but let’s get real, I’m not complaining!

This morning (once again) I honored that craving with some cinnamon chia oats made with a little splash of almond milk


The lighting in my kitchen early morning is terrible. In fact, most of the lighting in my house is a disaster. So the toppings look semi disgusting, therefore I don’t blame you if you cringe at the dollop of Siggis and almond butters.

A while later, I munched a lemon coconut no bake bite from my meal prep! These babies are to die for


It was the perfect treat before my school day which started late due to a migraine (and senoritis….). Then, I was off to school for a day of boredom.

Lunch was nothing special, but it rocked my taste buds. I had a massive salad with roasted sweet potatoes, chickpeas, organic turkey, beets, organic greens and cherry tomatoes tossed in apple cider vinegar. I also had some carrots and oasis hummus on the side.

By the end of the day, I had the snack I had packed which consisted of raw almonds and a killer orange. I’m really into citrus lately… probably because they help with muscle soreness… lollll.

My migraine was in full swing again, so I ended up leaving and missing track which to be honest, I was mega bummed. I love practicing, even if I’m still transitioning from my injury, it makes me feel a part of my team!

I drank a few glasses of ice cold water to help cool my mind and then after it subsided, I decided to go for a run (YIPPEE!). Got three miles in at 7:19 pace. Man, does that feel good to say.

Of course, being a busy bee, I had an appointment tonight so right after my run and ab session, I jumped in the car and had no time for dinner. Post run nutrition was this Svelte drink I picked up at the store. I am nooooot a soy fan, but I did see these on Instagram, and in a quick moment, it was fast protein to heal my muscles!


 After I got back from my appointment, dinner consisted of baked turkey, sauteed veggies in extra virgin olive oil, and white quinoa. Such a good dinner! And now time for relaxation, and The Other Woman (LOVE CAMERON DIAZ!)


What are some of your fave chick flicks to wind down with?

What I Ate Wednesday (3.8.16)

Suppppp bean sprouts.

I know I said that I was trying to post more this week but let’s be honest… I knew I wouldn’t be able to. I just got back from my school’s Snowball event (which….AHHHHMAZING!) and I was wiped from directing, so posting was on the back burner, unfortunately.

Snowball taught me a lot about the balance I’ve been trying to practice in my life, and so I’m sure I’ll have a few words on that. But for now, a WIAW! I’ve definitely added more to my meals lately, as I am working on putting on a little weight before I get totally back onto the track team. Although I’m trying to gain some weight, I’m doing it in a healthy, balanced way, following what I choose to do. A lot of people see weight gain as an opportunity to eat ice cream five times a day, along with fast food. In my eyes, I just feel like that is an unhealthy option. I’d rather practice a normal eating style, of course treatig myself when I want! Therefore, healthy fats, more protein and natural sources of nutrition are the route I’m going, with my balanced mindset.


Breakfast this morning was an absolute favvvvve smoothie bowl: a combination of frozen blueberries, half a frozen banana, unsweetened almond milk, half Sunwarrior vanilla vegan protein scoop, and a handful of spinach. I threw in a couple ice cubes to make a bit more. Then, I topped like crazy. My favorite (FAVOOOOORITE!) homemade granola , Siggi’s plain skyr, hemp hearts, goji berries and my lovely and dearest mini almond butter Perfect bar.

I also had coffee on the side because what’s a breakfast without some caffeine?

It’s also like 60 degrees in the burbs of Chitown, therefore a smoothie was necessary because it’s GOOOORRRGEOUS outside and I am just so happy to be alive and able to walk out of my house in a t shirt!

Mid morning hunger cues were cured by a homemade banana muffin during Anthropology. Snacking is important, especially when in your second semester of Senior year. I need something to actually focus on..

Lunch today was definitely nothing special due to the fact that I threw it together in about ten minutes this morning before I left for school. We can’t all be perfect meal preppers, can we? My back up lunch was arugula and spinach tossed with EVOO+apple cider vinegar, with cherubs, mushrooms, edamame, and chicken breast. I had some carrots, cantelope+a cutie ((vitamin C- I’m sick as heckles)), and raw almonds. Kept me full and nourished through a nasty anatomy class where we dissected a cow eye.

Joyous, huh?

  By the time I got home from school, I was hungry again so I made an awesome snack pick of a vanilla Siggi’s topped with a no bake lemon coconut protein bite from Hummusapien (try them, they are delicious), a little granola and blackberries. Then I was off to work for an hour, and physical therapy!

After PT and the obscene amount of squats I endured (and running in my new shoes!), I was starving for dinner. My mom had some tacos prepped, so organic turkey meat, black beans and tomatoes and lettuce. Yes, they are a mess. And yes, I had a third.

 Today I really was feeling a treat and my dad wanted to hand out, so we grabbed Froyo ((my flavors: vanilla, pineapple sorbet and a little peanutbutter gelato)). The great thing about this is that I don’t see eating dessert as a “cheat”. It’s just something I do every so often when I’m in the mood. So heck yeah, I enjoyed this. And I don’t need a specific day to go out and get myself something I want. And you know what? I had a spoonful (or two) or almond butter when I got home cause I just felt it.

All in all, a killer eats day if you ask me.


How do you practice balance in your life?

What I Ate Wednesday

What’s hanging my lovely little sweet tatoes?

We’ve got another week of What I Ate Wednesday coming up for you, and I’m hoping to post more frequently on the blog other than just my What I Ate Wednesday’s. I’m working on a few recipes, some pieces about lifestyle, and maybe some running posts if you guys can swing with that! But, for now, another WIAW!

Life has been a little hectic, per usual, and I’ve got a busy few days ahead of me with an event for school that I’m running, physical therapy three days straight, a night of babysitting and hopefully, cooking on Sunday! I missed my prepping this week due to the fact I really won’t be around… *sigh*

Breakfast this morning was a little bit odd, due to the fact that my cravings were all over the place! I’ve had to go to the gym before school to get the bike in, so I’m always hungry but never know what I want! This morning, the decision was between oats and a smoothie, so I just threw them together in a jar. A blueberry cocoa smoothie with chia oats, then topped with more banana. It was okay- not the best- but hey, we can’t all have perfect breakfasts, am I right?

As I was eating, I scrolled through Instagram and saw that it was National Peanut butter Lover’s Day. Therefore, a spooning of my favorite crunchy peanut butter via Whole Foods was a necessity. Even Walter was feeling the need for this spoonful!

The last couple days I’ve been insanely hungry. I’m working on upping my calories as I begin to get back into running (a mile a day on the treadmill, babes!), and so my body is seriously taking it in. I munched on unpictured veggies like an hour after this, and then I tried these new bean bites from Eat Enlightened. Three ingredients, and seven grams of protein? Sign me up!

After enduring a boring and confusing math lesson, I was ready for my killer lunch I packed up the night before.

Baked chicken breast, on top of a bed of arugula, and roasted veggies cooked in some olive oil with avocado, tomatoes and spices. Then on the side, an orange for Vitamin C and raw almonds! 

This kept me full till I went to Costco after school and sampled some smoothies… I love smoothies. 

Afternoon snack age also included a little plain Greek, bluebs, organic cereal and Wild Friends PB. 

Dinner was a plain Jane due to the fact I got back at 730 from PT and another appointment. Joy, rapture.  

Finished the night off with a date and PB. Maybe two dates. I don’t know. 
Anywho, here’s just another Wednesday comin’ at ya! Hoping to post a bit more so keep on the lookout once I get back from my two day hiatus from media🙆🏼 
How’s your hump day treatin ya?  

What I Ate Wednesday: Day Breakdown

Looks like a week has gone by once again, and here we are for another….


I’ve been reading posts all over trying to find a balance for my WIAWs and this time around, I’m not going to talk SOOO much about the food… I mean, I think you can tell what I eat from the picture..?

I’m going to give a run down of the day, which of course takes place in lovely, little high school classes. But, I think it’ll bring a little zest considering it’s slightly fun to read a person’s daily!

Onto the post

I get up at like 6 am everyday, except for days I hit the gym before school…(which is like 4:30 and that’s a killer!) So today, same old same old roll out of bed, drink a huge glass of water, and start to get ready for my day!

Easy morning time saver: Make a lunch the night before. I practice this basically all the time so that I make sure I get what I want and what I need for the upcoming day. It also saves time for me to brew up a nice cup of black coffee, relax, and then start my breakfast

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Breakfast this morning was super yum: 1 C. mixed berries, half scoop protein powder, handfuls of spinach and a couple chunks of banana. Then blended together and topped for deliciousness.

After slurpin’ this bad boy down, I head to school to suffer. I’m sorry, did I say that?

When at school, I go through the motions and am like always hangry. How sad is that?It’s really nice though, because my second period teacher keeps healthy snacks for us (trailmix, nuts, etc…). SO if I forget a snack or am hungry, she’s got my back.


Second period I did munch on one of my Banana bread muffins to tied me over until lunch which isn’t for two more periods… terrible.


Lunch was awesome today! Red quinoa, zucchini noodles, chickpeas, avocado and roasted tofu with some veggies and hummus because WHO THE HECK DOESN’T WANT VEGGIES AND HUMMUS?!

Sorry… anywho a few periods later in Anatomy, I had to look at a sheep brain and write the functions of each part. Thank god this lunch stayed down!


Snack cue came in during 8th right before practice, so I munched on some Siggis, and a really good orange. Oranges are so good. Especially dipped in this bad boy.

Then I shuffled down to the weight room at school to do a bike workout because I’m still restricted from running. Very annoying. But, at least I got some homework done!

I also did twenty five minutes of abs, then stretched and called it a day. Really good workout, like an hour straight of hard levels on the bike. My legs are still getting back into it, so slightly sore over here!


By the time I was ready to go, it was 6. You can image how freaking hungry I was! My mom picked me up (cute Senior over here who does not have a car!) and I almost cried when she said she had dinner ready. Baked organic chicken breast, roasted brussels, avocado and roasted potatoes. I literally had this plate X2.

After dinner, cleaned up and all that jazz, I flew upstairs to relax, write this blog post and…img_1444

Have some dessert of fresh berries and dark chocolate with a cup of tea. Life is good, fellas.


What are you days like?


Weekly Wednesday Eats

Coming back at you live….. WHAT I ATE WEDNESDAY!

It’s been a crazy one over in the life of this little sweet ‘tato, with getting back to track practice, PT after school, and livin’ the life of hanging with friends… also eating some good food.

The only problem is that I didn’t necessarily take a picture of everything I ate on this fine Tuesday. Therefore, I shall display some of my fave eats this week to make up for my busy-ness!


This French toast was OUT OF THIS WORLD. I kid you not. I wanted to finish up the last few slices of my Ezekiel Bread , so I whipped up a quick maple egg white and almond milk wash to soak the bread, fried in coconut oil, and then topped with organic almond butter and fruit. YUM.

This was before track practice on Monday. Don’t you worry, I’m still on the bike, so this didn’t come up later… anyways…


So more often than not, I’m hungry at school. So I pack a high protein snack to fill my hunger cues.

Siggis. The saving grace of 3rd period grumbles.



Here’s another eat from Monday (OMG! Two pictures from one day!)  I think we all know the root vegetables are still number one in my heart, so a sweet potato with avocado and turkey wraps satisfied me after practice.

After lunch, it kind of depends on the day what I snack on. Fruit, veggies and hummus, a healthy bar like Kind, Squarebars, Larabars… you name it! Sometimes I go for raw nuts or rice cakes with nut butter.



Hands down, best dinner I’ve had in awhile.  I’ve been dying to try Hummusapien’s Vegan Black Bean enchiladas for so long, and so I finally bit the bullet and made the suckers. I topped them with greek yogurt, more salsa, and avocado. You best believe I ate another after this picture.

Holy wow. The taste is INCREDIBLE. And paired with fresh romaine, tomatoes, onion and mushroom? Who could say no?!


Sweets and Treats:

After a long week, I decided that I absolutely needed a pint of my favorite ice cream: Halo Top. Delicious, totally nutritious, and hella creamy these pints are full of magical wonders. I am on the hunt for more flavors, so watch on for this more often than not.


Obviously these are different days of eating, which I don’t like to do, but hey better than nothing! And honestly, most things are on repeat lately due to lack of time, so more often than not, I’m eating this stuff! Being a busy teenage girl is a full time job, my friends.


Tell me some of your weekly favorites that are on repeat!

What sorts of things are your go-tos when you’re in a rush?

What I Ate Wednesday: Back on Track

Can you believe another week has flown by? IT’S FEBRUARY ALREADY!

I just think that is the weirdest thing. How one day was it Christmas, and now I’m already looking up swim suits for Spring Break and running spandex? I guess time flies when you eat good food.

Which brings me to another WIAW post, an exciting one, because I can ride the stationary bike again, and my hunger levels are goin’ up! RAH RAH! Exercise is lovely because my body is constantly going, burning up the food and just cravin’ some more!

Yeah, okay so it isn’t running, but you know what… WE’RE GETTING THERE AND I AM DAMN EXCITED.



Smoothie of the Gods and Goddesses, my lovely pancakes. Threw a cup of frozen mixed berries, half a banana, ice, handfuls of spinach, vegan protein, and Califia unsweetened almond milk. Then topped with granola, hemp hearts and coconutter.

Went down super fast because I went to the gym this morning at…. 4:30 (SHRIEK). Literally the only time in my life left. Anywho, I was starved after getting ready, drinking a liter of water and coffee.

My mornings are super rushed due to the fact that I’m always just like la la la, what to have for breakfast la la la. I have to get out of the habit.

About two hours into school, my stomach grumbled. I ate some 2% Fage inbetween classes, so that I wasn’t crying into my math test over hunger. I was crying over other things….



Zucchini noodles tossed with olive oil, vegan cheese, quinoa, and cherry tomatoes. Edamame, carrots and hummus for a side!


I always pack a lunch the night before just because there’s no way I’d bring anything of value to school that packs nutrients without giving myself time.  It makes the morning easier, and definitely makes me a happier person to open a nice, packed lunch box at school the next day!



I’ve been grabbing That’s It bars as of late and I really, really like them. Sometimes, I just can’t decide what fruit I want for lunch, and these offer up two options without any added sugar!

I had one like an hour after lunch, and then an hour later, snacked on raw almonds before my first physical therapy appointment. WHoopppppppeeeee. (not.)

Like I said though, moving around and exercising has seriously made me hangry. I’m like, dang son, when’s the next meal comin’ upppp?



This picture won’t turn, but I had roasted salmon, with acorn squash, beets, cauliflower, avocado and mushrooms. Yeah, I went for more squash and veggies don’t you worry.

I did like 110000 squats at PT, so seconds was definitely a must. I have to be honest, did not like PT. The struggle is real.

Then after dinner, messed around, typed this little sweet thang up, showered. Then, some homework, but you know, second semester senior… so not real homework. I then decided that I was hungry again and…


My favorite snack: Apple, greek yogurt, and peanut butter. I definitely need to get better shots at night. That does not look pleasant.


All in all, not too shabby.


What’s your favorite way to exercise your body?

Ever had a snack attack?


What I Ate Wednesday: The Veggie Week Challenge 

Hey my beautiful people!

Here’s another Wednesday of eats coming at you, but a special version of: vegetarian week. On my last post, I explained how I’m going vegetarian for the week- more on that here.

Not going to lie, sometimes it’s hard to find an option that supplies my body with enough protein. Carbs are pretty easy, so I’ve really been researching to find some alternatives, and combos to help me get the nutrients I need.



We all know I can’t live without a good smoothie bowl, so this morning was a must. Such a random combo of blueberries, strawberries, kiwi and then frozen cantelope (lol) but it was definitely a treat! Also some Califia farms unsweetened almond milk, and Sunwarrior vanilla protein for that extra boooooooost! Unpictured: A very, very large mug of black coffee. I love it.

It may have been a rando, but damn, it was a good rando! And who could live without the coconut butter? It hardens like freakin’ turtle shell!



I love the lighting at school. It’s so blog perfect, I swear, I could live there and shoot pics ALL DAY. (Can you smell the sarcasm????) Anywho, threw together a quick ensalada with some of my homemade Chickpea salad (looks like poo, but it’s good!), left over lentil vegetable soup, and an apple pear. The Rx Bar came later….


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One: This bar matched my outfit perfectly and it made me extremely happy. Like, too happy. Two: This was AMAZING. My first ever RX Bar and it blew me away. Let me tell you a little something: the texture is to DIE FOR. It’s chewy, has some crunch with the nuts, and left me breathless.

This flavor was bomb too. The sea salt weaved within the rich chocolately taste with a perfect ratio. I say: 100000/10. And who doesn’t love ingredients you can pronounce??



Dinner was… rushed. I had an appointment, and then had to be back at school for a performance, so I threw together a favorite plate. I used a roasted sweetie that I made on Sunday (life saver), steamed broccoli, roasted beets, scrambled eggs with salsa, and of course, AVOCADO.

Then after I got home, an apple and pb was consumed. Such a staple and it makes me joyous.
That’s a wrap. Oh man, I could go for a wrap right now. Okay, that’s besides the point, SORRY. 

Don’t hesitate to send some veggie recipes my way! 

See you on the next post, my lovely sprouts! 


What I Ate Wednesday: Second Semester Changes

Hey all you people, hey all you people!

Sorry it’s been a little while since I’ve posted. I’ve been taking a slight break from technology to enjoy family and friends for the weekend… but now I’m back! Here to share some eats with you for a lovely little Wednesday.

I’m also going to talk through some healthy changes I feel like starting to make in my life… EXCITING!





Had an awesome egg and egg white omelet with zuchinni, spinach, mushrooms, fresh cherry tomatoes and a side of sliced avocado, and of course a homemade banana bread muffin. I keep forgetting to write down my recipe. SERIOUSLY WHAT THE HELL.

Alright so change number 1: OFF THE FREAKING CRUTCHES! YES FOR REAL. I am so ecstatic at this moment.  This means I can use a bike at the gym, start physically therapy and be on my merry way to running again…YIPPEE!




SO. This wasn’t technically my lunch, to certain extent! I recreated it for school; but my school pics are… well non existant. So here’s the same roasted veggie, tempeh, squash, beet salad tossed in ACV and diced avocado for dem healthy fats.

Another change or addition: I’m going to start a morning meditation cycle so that I can practice a healthy mindset BEFORE I start my day. I was making time for it later, but I feel like the morning is a great time to awaken yourself to your day, and find peace right off the bat. I’m also going to try some morning yoga before school. Definitely brief, but it may be worth it.


Sliced banana, Wild Friends pb, homemade granola (and a spoonful or two more or the pb)


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Roasted veggies with chicken, sauteed kale, lentils and avocado

Change #3: Enjoy every moment. This is my last semester of high school, and I want this to be the best yet. I want to focus on me, focus on having fun, and focus on my future. Complaining is for the whimps!

Change #4: In the past, I started this thing of eating when I wasn’t hungry because I thought I constantly needed to nourish my body. This left me feeling sick, and not enjoying the taste of food. Because I lost a little bit of weight, I feel the need to pressure myself into this again- and THAT IS NOT GOOD. I’m going to start evaluating my hunger, and treat my body with the nourishment it needs…. not wants or feels like I need. After dinner, if my body isn’t feeling a huge snack, I’m planning on listening to it.

It’s hard to get your balance when things are so flippy floppy in your life, and since I preach a life of balance, I’m going to work hard to achieve it best I can!

A random What I Ate Wednesday…COMPLETE.

What I Ate Wednesday

So here’s the scoop…

It’s finals week, and I am terribly tired. Tests suck the life out of you, my friends. Stay very far away or you may be affected too!



Breakfast had to be prepped the night before, obviously! Beauty rest on the night before a final? HECK YES. Overnight oats are such a go to in my life, so I took 1/2 cup rolled oats, chopped up some berries, and soaked them both in 3/4 unsweetened almond milk. This morning, I added some of the chia pudding I made for the week with a scoop of Fage to cream this baby up.

Kept me full for hours, which was super nice considering you can’t really snack while you’re testing.

But that doesn’t mean I didn’t make time to snack on some snap peas and carrot chips before my pre calc final…

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Came home hangry as ever (usual) so I whipped up some collard green wraps with turkey, sauteed mushrooms, beets, tomatoes and paired them with roasted sweet potatoes dipped in Fix hot sauce and Oasis roasted red pepper hummus. Oh this combo.

And of course I ate more sweet potatoes than pictured… WHO DO YOU THINK I AM?!


Then afterwards, relaxed and sipped some Yogi green tea out of the mug I made in ceramic. So artsy fartsy, am I right?

And then an apple doused in cinnamon with a handful of almonds


Although finals have taken most of my life up, it doesn’t mean that I don’t have time for other stuff too, though! I hit the gym to lift weights before a two hour study sesh at the library.


Snacked on a D’s Naturals No Cow Bar for the first time. My mom stuffed two of these in my stocking this year for Christmas. Personally, not a favorite. I’m not too into packaged snacks like this (not a fan of Quest Bars). I grabbed it for a protein packed snack after weights, and it wasn’t bad- but I’m not sure I liked  it.

Then after the long, unfortunate hours of studying Anatomy, I came home

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Dinner had to be a huge salad/buddha bowl type things because veggies are consuming my being. The rest of some left over sweet tatoes (I know, twice in a day… SUE ME!), some quinoa, kale, spinach, roasted zucchini, mushrooms, beets, tomatoes, cauliflower, and tempeh all thrown together with EVOO, apple cider vinegar and spices. Then a dollop of hummus ’cause I can.

Hopin’ your Wednesday was swell…. LET’S GO THURSDAY!