What I Ate Wednesday 7.20.16

It’s been so long since I’ve done one of these; I’m excited to be back!

Lately, I can’t stop eating vegetables (like always!). But, it’s becoming intense. Most days I’ll wake up and actually crave vegetables for a bit. But after I drink some water, then I kind of realize I don’t want a bag of spinach for breakfast…
This was actually my Monday meals, but since I got a full day of pictures when I wasn’t working during the day, I figured it would work out fine for our purpose!


  I’ve really been wary of how much dairy I consume as it messes with my stomach. For some (wonderful) reason, greek yogurt doesn’t usually create any pain or discomfort, probably as it’s cultured.. As a person whose been working on getting more proteins into my diet, especially in the AM, a good ol’ Siggi’s dairy yogurt bowl (and black coffee!) with my homemade vegan muffins and granola works perfectly and kept me full through my hot yoga sesh! With breakfast, I always try to hit the three macros: protein, carbs and healthy fats.That way I get the best start to the day.


Lately, I’ve been insanely interested in middle eastern food. I don’t know what it is, but I’ve always been in love with spice, and now it’s really kicking in. An inspiration of mine recently has been Caitlin over at frommybowl ! A vegan food blogger and youtube, she’s helped me start to think about recipes and different things to try. I hate being stuck in ruts and unfortunately I’ve been eating a lot of the same things. THIS BOWL THOUGH! Curried lentil “chana masala” (or at least close???) With a ton of spices, flavor and paired with quinoa and greens. I’ll have to post my take on it.



I picked blueberries (10 lbs, people) the other day so right after lunch I devoured like, half a container. I’m obsessed, okay?

 Then I went shopping for dorm things, and ate raw nuts and ended up at our local farm where i bought a pickle. Not in a jar either. My first ever fresh as heck pickle. Super neat. Once home, I did some ab work, made my lunch for the following work day and threw together a really pretty salad to eat at work later that night because I have to work at a desk for five hours and I need some good food to tide me over…


My amazing salad: bed of greens, roasted sweet potatoes (cold! the best way to eat them!), balsamic tofu, roasted veggies and roasted red pepper hummus from Cedar’s (not pictured). The only way to get through my night.

That was my day! What types of things do you use to fuel your weekdays?





Friday Favorites: 7.15.16

Heyyyyyy heyyyyy y’all heeyyyyyy y’aaaalllll!

OMG we are back for an epic edition of: FRIDAY FAVORITES! And guess what??? It’s ALL ABOUT FOOD. So- FOOD. FRIDAY. FAVORITES. The triple F is what we’ll call this sucker on this fine July 15th.

Life has been swell, times have been rollin’ and I’m freaking out that it’s already the middle of July. College in like, a month, what?

Yes. A month!

I’m thrilled and nervous, yet I cannot wait to start a new adventure. And I cannot wait to start sharing some of my favorite things I’ve picked up this summer; and some exciting news from a special product in this… Continue reading “Friday Favorites: 7.15.16”

Cheezy Black Bean Burrito Bowl

Okay, so I have a bit of an obsession with Mexican foods.

Give me tacos or give me death.

Here’s the problem though: I don’t ALWAYS have excessive to amazing food. When the hunger cues begin and there’s no time to drive to an incredible restaurant, you’ve got to work with what you’ve got. AKA pantry and cabinet!

So that’s what I did. And what came out ended up being pretty darn delicious!

I started with organic black beans I got from Costco. The cans are even BPA free! How can you go wrong?

As I had those cooking, I started my favorite grain in the entire world: QUINOAAAAA. Yes, it’s weird to pronounce. Yes, it’s weird to cook. BUT YES, IT IS AMAZING! And when combined with beans, it’s the perfect complete protein to rock your meal and keep you full. And of course, who doesn’t love a good cheezzzzy flavor to their quinoa?

That’s when I grabbed my favorite meal addition: nutrition yeast. As a kid whose converting to vegetarianism, nutritional yeast has become a best friend to me. 3 grams of protein for a tablespoon with killer flavor? Yes PLEASE!

Alright enough of my babbling about food. I’ll get to the recipe.

Cheezy Black Bean Burrito Bowl



  • 1/2 C. Organic black beans, rinsed
  • 1/4 C. organic white quinoa
  • 2 C. greens mix
  • 2-3 mushrooms, sliced
  • 1/4 to 1/2 avocado, sliced
  • 1 tsp chili flakes
  • 1 tsp chili powder
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • Pinch of sea salt
  • 1 to 2 TBSP nutritional yeast
  • Diced cherry tomatoes
  • Organic salsa

  1. Begin by cooking your black beans on the stove. Rinse first, and then add to a small pot to heat the beans. As they are heating, add a touch of water, and then begin adding spices such as cumin and chili powder. These give the beans some flavor. Simmer.
  2. As the beans cook, begin the quinoa. Add 1/4C quinoa to about 3/4C water and bring to a boil.
  3. Let the quinoa simmer with a lid for about fifteen minutes.
  4. While the quinoa and beans are cooking, prepare your bowl of greens, dice the tomatoes and mushrooms, and slice your avocado.
  5. Once the quinoa has been cooked, mix in the nutritional yeast to give it a cheeeeeezy flavor! I also add a little chili powder and flakes to give the quinoa a spicy kick!
  6. Add the beans, quinoa and all the toppings to your bowl of greens. This includes all the chopped veggies and avocado, as well as the salsa.
  7. Now go crazy and face plant! I usually drizzle mine with tons of sriracha, but feel free to eat it with whatever you like!