What I Ate Wednesday: Back on Track

Can you believe another week has flown by? IT’S FEBRUARY ALREADY!

I just think that is the weirdest thing. How one day was it Christmas, and now I’m already looking up swim suits for Spring Break and running spandex? I guess time flies when you eat good food.

Which brings me to another WIAW post, an exciting one, because I can ride the stationary bike again, and my hunger levels are goin’ up! RAH RAH! Exercise is lovely because my body is constantly going, burning up the food and just cravin’ some more!

Yeah, okay so it isn’t running, but you know what… WE’RE GETTING THERE AND I AM DAMN EXCITED.



Smoothie of the Gods and Goddesses, my lovely pancakes. Threw a cup of frozen mixed berries, half a banana, ice, handfuls of spinach, vegan protein, and Califia unsweetened almond milk. Then topped with granola, hemp hearts and coconutter.

Went down super fast because I went to the gym this morning at…. 4:30 (SHRIEK). Literally the only time in my life left. Anywho, I was starved after getting ready, drinking a liter of water and coffee.

My mornings are super rushed due to the fact that I’m always just like la la la, what to have for breakfast la la la. I have to get out of the habit.

About two hours into school, my stomach grumbled. I ate some 2% Fage inbetween classes, so that I wasn’t crying into my math test over hunger. I was crying over other things….



Zucchini noodles tossed with olive oil, vegan cheese, quinoa, and cherry tomatoes. Edamame, carrots and hummus for a side!


I always pack a lunch the night before just because there’s no way I’d bring anything of value to school that packs nutrients without giving myself time.  It makes the morning easier, and definitely makes me a happier person to open a nice, packed lunch box at school the next day!



I’ve been grabbing That’s It bars as of late and I really, really like them. Sometimes, I just can’t decide what fruit I want for lunch, and these offer up two options without any added sugar!

I had one like an hour after lunch, and then an hour later, snacked on raw almonds before my first physical therapy appointment. WHoopppppppeeeee. (not.)

Like I said though, moving around and exercising has seriously made me hangry. I’m like, dang son, when’s the next meal comin’ upppp?



This picture won’t turn, but I had roasted salmon, with acorn squash, beets, cauliflower, avocado and mushrooms. Yeah, I went for more squash and veggies don’t you worry.

I did like 110000 squats at PT, so seconds was definitely a must. I have to be honest, did not like PT. The struggle is real.

Then after dinner, messed around, typed this little sweet thang up, showered. Then, some homework, but you know, second semester senior… so not real homework. I then decided that I was hungry again and…


My favorite snack: Apple, greek yogurt, and peanut butter. I definitely need to get better shots at night. That does not look pleasant.


All in all, not too shabby.


What’s your favorite way to exercise your body?

Ever had a snack attack?