Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal

I’m sure so many of you indulge in pumpkin pie around the holidays. I mean, it is the season!

And while some love pumpkin pie, some love a good pumpkin spice latte. Well, this girl loves a darn good bowl of oatmeal as it comes to November and December.

Okay- I love oats all the time- just, bear with me for the sake of the cheesy opening to my recipe!

Anywho, I’ve been bored lately, and so I’ve started really working on creating new things I can munch on in my dorm room which is super fabulous because I’ve truly missed cooking and have felt extremely detached from a part of me that I really enjoy. So I woke up this morning, and remembered the organic pumpkin that was on sale at target I bought on Friday! I also received pie spice from my friend’s mom on Saturday, and knew oats were on the way.

This breakfast literally kept me full for hours on end, powered my workout, and celebrated fall all in one bowl! Now that’s what I call a good start to a Tuesday morning!

I also named this skeleton Fredrick for October, and since I have to put him away…. he needed a small appearance!

Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal

prep: 5 minutesProcessed with VSCO with f2 preset

cook: 2 minutes (in microwave!)


  • 1/2 C. raw rolled oats
  • 1 tbsp. chia seed
  • 1/3 scoop vanilla protein (Sunwarrior)
  • 3 tbsp. organic pumpkin puree  (Simply Balanced)
  • 1/2 C. unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 tsp. pie spice (Penzy’s)
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1/3 C. water
  • Small banana*
  • 2 tbsp. granola (Lovegrown Foods)*
  • 1 tbsp. almond butter, raw (Woodstock Foods)*

  1. Add to a bowl your raw oats, chia seed, pumpkin and protein. Stir the ingredients until mixed. (if you are using a stove, this should be a pot over medium heat!)
  2. Now add in your water and about half of your almond milk. The other half will be used to top the oats.
  3. Stir this around until creamy and smooth. You may need to add a touch more water.
  4. Start adding your spices, and stir these into the mix.
  5. If you are using a microwave, cook for two minutes. The stove top requires a longer time frame, and should cook until the oats have absorbed all the liquids.
  6. Add another sprinkle of cinnamon and top those suckers with all them toppings and your left over almond milk!
  7. SMASHHHHHH!!!!!


*Toppings are not necessary but are HIGHLY recommended. I mean, what’s a bowl of oats without some killer toppings???

The Perfect Bowl of Oats

It’s pretty clear what one of my top breakfasts would be if I was asked.


You see, oatmeal and I have had a funky relationship that dates back to when I was just a tiny kiddo, staring at these weird oval shaped things being heated over the stove. When my mom first served me oatmeal, I was disgusted. Where was the sugar, where was the crispy, cocoa crunch or the fruity artificial taste I enjoyed so much? And why wasn’t this food colorful?!

I think most young kids are like this, though. We’re all wrapped up in the prize waiting for us inside the box, or the bright colors that spark our interest as we shopped at the store with our parents. We were drooling over the shiny tin foil of Hot Fudge Sundae Pop Tart (breakfast? REALLY?!), fighting for the biggest box of Lucky Charms. I think we all had that problem as kids. My problem? Honey Nut Cheerios. Cocoa Puffs. Breakfasts that never kept me full, and yet had me bouncing off the walls.

As I got older, I began to realize that maybe these weren’t all too great for me; and not just because it was sugar. My taste buds changed and soon, I began looking at that container of dry oats again; wondering if I just tried them again… what would I think?

That’s when I started experimenting with oats… and now, I AM IN LOVE.


First, I just started with milk. Warmed milk, banana slices, and oats. Then I dumped some sugar on those oats and called it a day.

As I began my time on Instagram, I started to notice all the different things people threw on their oats to make them taste even better. And because of this, I have found that oats are truly, my thaaaaang.

I decided to devote a post to some of my favorite oatmeal toppings and cooking options because without oats, many would be in the dark.

  1. Cooked/ Soaked in Nut MilkIMG_0193

Oatmeal drowned in nut milk is possibly one of the greatest things to come about. When my stomach starting becoming sensitive to milk, I definitely turned right away to an alternative. My favorite right now is Califia Farms. No additives, chemicals or sugar. Just pure bliss in a bottle.

2. Nut butterProcessed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

I am almost positive that every bowl of oats I’ve ever eaten has been topped with nutbutter. I love the way it folds into the oats. So good.

3. Chia Pudding and Yogurt 

Siggi’s yogurt is definitely my favorite topping for oats solely for the fact that it creates such a creamy texture for the oats and adds extra protein. The chia pudding is something I can eat on its own, but I love the little bubbly feel and taste of it. The yogurt just makes this and the oats even creamier.

4. Granola

The crunch of granola is what always gets me. It’s just perfect. There’s no other way to explain it.

5. Fruit

I’m mad about fruit. That’s all you need to know.

6. Overnight 

I LOVE OVERNIGHT OATS. Easy prep that makes everything a breeze in the morning; especially when you wake up late…

So there’s my perfect bowl of oats, and of course I love them in all sorts of ways. Sometimes I cook them with zuchini, maybe egg white for protein, and usually with chia seeds. Oats are a blank pallet that you create to fit your needs. And that’s just great.
What’s your favorite way to prepare your oats?