Coconut Matcha Energy Balls

First dorm room recipe EVER!

And I’m really excited about this one, because it’s protein filled, easy to make and simply delicious for any time of the day. YES, ANY TIME OF THE DAY! WOOOOOOOO!

I started off with a base of dates because I haven’t used dates in forever and I grabbed an entire bag of them before I left for the good ol’ Iowa State. Then, I received a package on campus….


Oh my goodness, when I went down into the mailroom and got two packages from the fabulous Pure Goodness, I knew it had to be good. I opened those suckers up and what was in there? Vanilla hemp protein. Something I’ve been DYING to try!

I immediately thought dates and protein to combine into some kick ass energy balls I could store in my bag for later usage during class. Then I sifted through other products, found my matcha tea powder from Healthworks and went to work!

These will keep you full, happy and healthy as you knock it out this semester! (Or for you with an actual job, just life!)

Coconut Matcha Energy Balls

yields: 12 energy balls

cook time: 20 minutes


  • 12-13 pitted medjool dates
  • 1/4 cup organic coconut flour
  • 2 tablespoons creamy, unsalted almond butter
  • 1 scoop vanilla hemp protein (I used Pure Goodness)
  • 1 tablespoon matcha tea powder (I used Healthworks)
  • 2-3 tablespoons hot water
  • 2 tablespoons hemp seed (optional, for coating)


  1. Soak dates in warm water as you get your other ingredients ready.
  2. Add all the ingredients into a food processor, and blend until the mixture comes together as one.
  3. Scoop out the mixture and keep cold for about five minutes. It will be sticky!
  4. Remove mixture from refrigerator and roll into twelve even, bite sized balls.
  5. You now have to option to roll in hemp seeds (but I highly recommend!). Store in an air tight container in the fridge and GO CRAZY!

Caramel Coconut Cashew Bites

I’m a huge fan of energy bites.

I used to be so, I don’t know, LAZY about my snacks! Sure, larabars are fantastic, but homemade snacks are one, an accomplishment and two, a great way to save money when in a pinch for a snack!

Now that I’ve started really working to make a lot of my own foods to ensure ingredients and sugars I would want to eat, flavors and experimenting with them has thrown me for a loop. I LOOOOOVE trying out new things, and these were a total accident after I messed up a batch of cashew butter.


The great thing about energy bites is that one or two satisfies you to pump out your workout or get through till the next meal. They’re definitely become a staple in my diet, and of course in my weekly prepping on Sunday afternoons.

Caramel Coconut Cashew Bites

makes 12 bites

prep time: 5 minutes

cook time: 10 minutes


  • 1.5 Cup raw cashews, unsalted, and soaked for ten minutes
  • 2 TBSP. warm water
  • 15 pitted dates, soaked
  • 1 tsp. caramel extract
  • 3 TBSP. coconut flour
  • Pinch of sea salt

  1. Begin by using a high speed blender or food processor to cream the cashews. This should create a smooth, ball of cashew goodness.
  2. Add the dates in, as well as the water and let the two ingredients combine.
  3. After these have combined, add the caramel extract, coconut flour by a tablespoon each time, and the sea salt. Let these all blend together.
  4. Remove the batter from the blender and roll into twelve mini balls. These should be around a tablespoon of the batter.
  5. Refrigerate or freeze and enjoy the heck out of these babies!

Chocolate Coconut No Bake Bites

Prepping has created many random things in my kitchen.

It’s a Sunday, so you’ll find me in the kitchen going crazy; cooking things from acorn squash to muffins to chickpea salads for my week ahead. I’ve been doing this for a few weeks as a New Year type thing, and honestly it’s been so awesome being able to have a stress free week.  

This also leads to some experimenting. As many know, I’m a pretty avid Instagram user, and I am constantly seeing people grab no bake bites as a quick snack.

You should know that I am a HUGE nut butter person. Slightly obsessed, I can probably use it for anything under the sun. So when I’m trying to use up a jar or two, a new recipe is just what I’m lookin’ for!

 Another not so guilty pleasure of mine? Coconut. Some people don’t enjoy it- but give me coconut and nut butter- and you’ve one happy Foodie!

As you can probably tell, this recipe requires some coconut butter. If you aren’t into the flavor, just sub out for more peanut butter.

This is a small batch because I was testing… so add more or less, to create an even bigger, filling snack. And don’t feel obligated to do chocolate peanut butter either! Any nut butter should work just fine; just so long as you let me know what YOUR secret is to making some delicious bites! 😉



Chocolate Coconut No Bake Bites

makes 7 bites 


  • 1/4 C. Dark chocolate peanut butter (I used Peanutbutter+Co )
  • 2 TBSP Coconut butter ( I used Sweet Spreads)
  • 1/2 C. Dry oats
  • 2 TBSP. Coconut flour
  • 2 Dates
  • 2 TBSP. Water or almond milk
  • 2 TBSP. Chocolate vegan protein (I used Sunwarrior)

  1. Add all ingredients into a food processor or nutri-bullet and let them mix until a thick, consistency.
  2. Move the mixture out of the processor and add to a bowl with a touch more coconut flour to help roll them out.
  3. Roll out the “dough” into evenly separated bite-sized balls.
  4. Chill in the refrigerator and enjoy after an hour!
