Fun Favorites

I like a lot of things.

In fact, I really love a lot of things. Give me a category, and I bet you I can find something I enjoy in it, or about it.

Since I’ve missed blogging an INCREDIBLE bundle, I’m bringing back a post I missed writing about- and that just has to deal with…. *que music and Julie Andrews* A FEWWWW OF MY FAVOOOOORITE THINGS!


About every one to two weeks, I’m going to make a collection of things I’ve enjoyed over the past days, and share them out with the world so then you guys can get a picture of how my life is, what I’m doing, and what I’m consuming. Then, maybe you can hop on the train and make it a favorite of yours, too!

Alrighty, lets get on with it, shall we my lovelies? Let’s split this baby up into categories!


  1. Blogs/ Blogposts:

    1. Nutrition Stripped : For one, I am ultimately OBSESSED with the amazing Mckel Hill and her website nutrition stripped. No joke, I think that every time I graze the internet, I end up on her page. Why I love it? Not only is there just about everything under the sun on her website, she’s also got a snapchat filled with even more glorious tips and hilarious dog posts.
    2. Will Frolic for Food has incredible recipes based on a whole food/ plant-centric diet that I challenge you to try!
    3. Sounds majorly dorky but in the foodie world, What I Ate Wednesday posts make me happy to read…. I love seeing some of my favorite bloggers in action of what they eat and just how their day goes!
    4. Mindbodygreen is a wonderful website packed full with tons upon tons of health tips centered around all aspects. I go on it at least three times a week to check the feed.
  2. Music

    1. Huge fan of Alabama Shakes right now, and if you need any proof, just listen.
    2. Need tips on how to make the perfect running playlist? Check it out.
  3. Workouts:richard-simmons-doing-okay-lapd-visit.gif

    1. I’ve been doing RRayyme’s 600 butt rep for two weeks and I’m noticing a difference. Summer is coming, and a perky butt is what I’m going for! Still love my butt though… even if it is flat.
    2. YOGGGAAAAA! Through Pinterest, I’ve found incredible yoga workouts and I dare you to try one out! A favorite of mine is this one.
  4. Food

    1. I love all nut butters, but almond butter lately is topping any other. Currently am rotating between Woodstock foods and Crunchy Barney butter!
    2. These english muffins are the perfect bite when you are rushing out the door.
    3. Smoothie bowls to help celebrate spring! Check out my new smoothie recipe to get in some extra antioxidants!
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        Processed with VSCO with f2 preset
    4. What drinks do I have on rotate? Califia Farms brewed and GT’s Kombucha. Gingerade is by far the best flavor, and I’m a fan of the cold brewed expresso from Califia!File_000.jpeg




That’s all for now, folks! Tune in in a few weeks to hear more about some things I’m diggin’. But for now, what have your favorite things been lately?

Meal Preppin’ Monday

Sundays are my fun days.

I know it’s weird, but hanging in your PJ’s all day, developing recipes and cooking a ton is literally the epitome of fun for me. I’ve been doing this almost every Sunday for awhile, and honestly, it’s been such a time saver.

I made a post about one of my first meal prep Sundays and now it’s time for another to catch up!

One thing I definitely focus on when I meal prep is things that I know I’m going to WANT to eat throughout the week. If I make something I’d only eat one day, that definitely defeats the purpose. Find some staples you love and then  make a whole bunch to fill up your weekly meals.

Aka- me and sweet potatoes. My first thing I prep is ALWAYS roasted potatoes or squash. It’s an easy carb to throw in salads, a fun snack with hummus and perfect at any meal. This week I bought a huge beet and chopped that guy up too. Roasted beets = happiness.  


Next thing on the agenda: homemade granola. My entire family has been munching on this granola for weeks on end, and it’s totally great. I used to eat packaged granola A TON- and while I chose healthy brands, there always is a bunch of added sugars like brown rice syrup. This granola has up to 9 grams of protein in a serving (1/2 C. too, not just 1/4 C.!), and uses only maple syrup as a sweetener. A much healthy option to throw on smoothies and yogurts!


 My newest obsession are these Lemon-Coconut no bake bites from Hummusapien. These babies are SOOOOOO GOOD! I could eat the entire batch in one sitting… Okay so maybe I’d be a little full, but… I’d do it.  

Other things I made for the week included some smoothie packs for an easy option in the morning, a few servings of quinoa, some chopped veggies, and cooked chicken breast. Then after a couple hours of cooking, I flew over to Trader Joe’s for a couple quick pick-me ups!

At TJ’s, I wanted to for sure grab some organic albacore tuna cans for this amazing tuna salad I’ve been making lately for lunch. But, how can you walk in and buy one thing? What a joke. I mulled around for at least an hour, scanning all the newbies at the store, including the black bean rotini that I am mega excited about! I usually buy lentil or bean pasta from Whole Foods, but that stuff can rack up to $6-7! How about no to that. I also grabbed my favorite coconut flour, roasted coconut chips, apple cider vinegar, plantain chips, and of course, organic dark chocolate. Spent less than $20, and I’m feeling good.

On Saturday, I stopped at the store to pick up the weekly essentials which include green apples, organic spinach+kale, berries, frozen fruit, raw nuts, almond milk and basically a bunch of produce and canned organic beans. All in all, we’re set for the week!


What things do you prep for your week?


The Perfect Bowl of Oats

It’s pretty clear what one of my top breakfasts would be if I was asked.


You see, oatmeal and I have had a funky relationship that dates back to when I was just a tiny kiddo, staring at these weird oval shaped things being heated over the stove. When my mom first served me oatmeal, I was disgusted. Where was the sugar, where was the crispy, cocoa crunch or the fruity artificial taste I enjoyed so much? And why wasn’t this food colorful?!

I think most young kids are like this, though. We’re all wrapped up in the prize waiting for us inside the box, or the bright colors that spark our interest as we shopped at the store with our parents. We were drooling over the shiny tin foil of Hot Fudge Sundae Pop Tart (breakfast? REALLY?!), fighting for the biggest box of Lucky Charms. I think we all had that problem as kids. My problem? Honey Nut Cheerios. Cocoa Puffs. Breakfasts that never kept me full, and yet had me bouncing off the walls.

As I got older, I began to realize that maybe these weren’t all too great for me; and not just because it was sugar. My taste buds changed and soon, I began looking at that container of dry oats again; wondering if I just tried them again… what would I think?

That’s when I started experimenting with oats… and now, I AM IN LOVE.


First, I just started with milk. Warmed milk, banana slices, and oats. Then I dumped some sugar on those oats and called it a day.

As I began my time on Instagram, I started to notice all the different things people threw on their oats to make them taste even better. And because of this, I have found that oats are truly, my thaaaaang.

I decided to devote a post to some of my favorite oatmeal toppings and cooking options because without oats, many would be in the dark.

  1. Cooked/ Soaked in Nut MilkIMG_0193

Oatmeal drowned in nut milk is possibly one of the greatest things to come about. When my stomach starting becoming sensitive to milk, I definitely turned right away to an alternative. My favorite right now is Califia Farms. No additives, chemicals or sugar. Just pure bliss in a bottle.

2. Nut butterProcessed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

I am almost positive that every bowl of oats I’ve ever eaten has been topped with nutbutter. I love the way it folds into the oats. So good.

3. Chia Pudding and Yogurt 

Siggi’s yogurt is definitely my favorite topping for oats solely for the fact that it creates such a creamy texture for the oats and adds extra protein. The chia pudding is something I can eat on its own, but I love the little bubbly feel and taste of it. The yogurt just makes this and the oats even creamier.

4. Granola

The crunch of granola is what always gets me. It’s just perfect. There’s no other way to explain it.

5. Fruit

I’m mad about fruit. That’s all you need to know.

6. Overnight 

I LOVE OVERNIGHT OATS. Easy prep that makes everything a breeze in the morning; especially when you wake up late…

So there’s my perfect bowl of oats, and of course I love them in all sorts of ways. Sometimes I cook them with zuchini, maybe egg white for protein, and usually with chia seeds. Oats are a blank pallet that you create to fit your needs. And that’s just great.
What’s your favorite way to prepare your oats?