The Grocery Diaries: College Style

Hey guys!

So, I’m very excited to be starting a series now every two week for when I grocery shop in college. You may say, WTF everyone grocery shops and you did it before so what’s the big (organic, dairy-free) cheese?

Well, lemme tell you somethin’. Being in college ain’t no walk in the park and I have a small freaking dorm room that I really want to fill with amazing foods and yet I have no space. So yea, I’m excited to share what I have and what I buy on a weekly basis!

I figured it could also help out some of you who are looking to pick up a healthier college life style, as well as maybe maintain one you already have, just with some extra goodies! I’m planning on sharing meals, snacks  prepare and things I receive from companies that can fuel your minds with creative ways to perk up the dorm dining life!

This week’s features are going to include my first two grocery hauls and some quick things I’ve eaten instead of the dining hall. I’m planning on grocery shopping every two weeks to save money, as well as make use of everything I buy. Can’t be wasteful!

Let’s get started with some groceries….


  • I bought some staples for a young girl who has to be quick, and also only has a microwave, George Foreman grill, and a mini fridge. Therefore, some grains I bought at the store were a healthy(wish) cereal (please let me know of any brands that are low in sugar, with minimal ingredients!), granola (Purely Elizabeth -bless!), sprouted bread and snap pea crisps from Aldi, as well as a easy Annie’s mac + cheese!
    • Easy enough for me to store, as well as stay healthy without all the added stuff from the dining center.

Dairy and Canned Goods

  • So obviously my pictures were not as separated and categorized as I’d like but sometimes you gotta move fast! Staples bought: greek yogurt (then when out, I splurged on Siggi’s ), almond milk, dairy free cheese (for “treat”- don’t usually like to eat this!), canned tomatoes and sauce, beans and of course, sweet potatoes!
  • Unpictured: Enjoy Life dark chocolate chips, Endangered dark chocolate, more beans… the works!

Spices, Toppings and Such

  • At the store, I grabbed some to-go Justin’s almond butter packs because when in a hurry, these are great snacks for class! Also, ACV for dressings, toasted coconut chips and chili powder!
  • Unpictured: Cumin, curry, turmeric, pepper, mustard and cocoa powder (along with baking soda and powder!)


As for produce, I picked up some greens for the first week (then figured out that the dining center is chocked full of veggies, so…. not buying those!), also got some frozen fruit for smoothies, avocados, and raw vegetables!

Recipes for Easy Dorm-in’

  1. Coconut Matcha Balls
    Processed with VSCO with f2 preset
    Easy peasy!

    2. Curried Bean Bowl

Processed with VSCO with f2 preset
Easy peasy!


That’s it for this edition of The Grocery Diaries! I’m hoping to get one of these out every two-three weeks depending on when I get goodies and such from the store. Be on the look out for more dorm friendly recipes, as well as new products I’m trying out!