Lollapalooza Recap

Four days checked off my bucket list.

Last year, I went to Lollapalooza for a day. After that day, I made it my goal to spend my last summer moments before college in the same beautiful park, with my friends. Little did I know, I’d also make it my goal ((later on)) to attend all four days of it.

I have been so excited for so many months, weeks, and days counting down to this amazing event. And now that it’s over, I want to share the incredible experience I had the past weekend in one of my favorite cities; filled with music, great food and some of my greatest friends!


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The center of it all.

Thursday was my first day off and I started at my own house, filling up on my bowl o’ goodness oats that have been a staple this summer. And then I was off to the 9:40 express down to Chitown where I’d spend the day running in between sets with friends (aka The 1975 and The Arcs at the SAME time…ANARCHY!). A rain delay for the front gates, rain in the middle of Bastille, and…. some interesting eats!

I have to be honest: Not many food choices, and that really made me mad. I was excited for Chowtown as a crazed foodie should be, yet it was filled with a bunch of fries and pizza. Granted, yes, that’s great and all. But I can get that anywhere! I ended up finding Goddess and Grocer all the way at the end with an incredible Thai Tofu wrap that kept me filled for hours (with an afternoon apple!). Tofu tacos from Chipotle (praise these, I ate them three days in a row!) were my dinner.

Friday was the same run of things, except I ended up leaving for awhile to grab some of my favorite stir-fry around from Brightwork Kitchen . Bless, it saved me!

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Golden Miso sauce = heaven

While that was great, so were a few of the bands I saw that day. The Struts had a killer performance (one of the best!), not to mention Lewis Del Mar, Alessia Cara, Fouls, and Radiohead for the headliner. The Struts by far had one of the funnest performances I’ve witnessed as a concert goer. BBBBABBBY BBBBABBBBY bBBBAyYYYBAYYYY!

Saturday was my favorite day, and not just for one reason (although, one is more prominent!). One: spent 12 hours with my best friends since kindergarten, two: front row for four bands, three: tacos., four:

I just may have weaseled my way and waited for four hours to be front row for my favorite band in the entire world: Red Hot Chili Peppers.

I don’t have a lot of words to describe that experience for you, but it involved tears and a bundle of absolute joy as I heard words that fueled my recovery from my eating disorder two years again; except I heard them and witnessed them being sang. It was just… it was just so cool.

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My view from the front… HOW YOU DOIN’, GRANT PARK?

All I can say is that I left Grant Park speechless that day. And while they topped the day (and the weekend), Nothing but Thieves and X Ambassadors rocked my Saturday too.

Definitely could have done without the show from Jane’s Addiction. Ew. Did not care for the strippers.

Sunday was just a day of me. Which was awesome. I took a later train, and spent my last time in the city before college exploring the rest of the fest, listened to some music here and there, and grabbed Native Foods for dinner.

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Bangkok Curry Bowl with blackened tempeh

I spent the rest of the night in recovery at my lovely home. Each night, I’d come home and fuel my body with some food at crash around 12:30. Safe to say, Sunday I went to bed at 10 with no problems.


Here’s what I have to say about Lollapalooza:

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  1. Don’t expect to see everyone you want. It’s impossible, and yes it stinks. But, don’t beat yourself up! Take it as an excuse to explore new bands, and try out different things.
  2. WATER. I never realized how important it is. I mean, I drink a lot of water anyways, but the amount of camelbaks I went through this weekend could probably fill Lake Michigan.
  3. Never take for granted good food. Seriously.
  4. Take time to appreciate how wonderful life is every once in awhile. This weekend, I was able to spend time with my favorite people in such a beautiful place. And not only that, but I met so many fabulous human beings that cared about music just as much as I did. People can be different than you, but you may find that there are so many similarities in the smallest of things.


My weekend was beautiful. Truly. The food was good, the laughs were endless, and the music blew my mind one too many times. I only hope that this summer, you got to cross something epic off your bucket list, too.


My Day in the City

Ah, Chicago.

I’m such a city girl, it’s slightly sickening. Every family vacation we’ve taken to a city goes up on my favorites list no matter what, just because I love the city so much.

It gives me this weird, happy feeling all over that makes me want to jump out and scream for taxis, spend money on almond milk lattes, and dance to the beat of street drummers.

I’m a bit of a fan.

Yesterday, I had the amazing opportunity to spend the night in the city with my high school singing group. We were performing at the Palmer House, one of the most gorgeous places I’d ever seen.

Just the lobby alone had me flabbergasted. I mean, look at that ceiling! And all the people in there looked so professional, so fancy, yet, so laid back. As I walked around with my jaw dropped, I felt my heart race saying “YOU NEED TO LIVE IN THE CITY!”. I had already planned on venturing out there after college, but this truly sealed the deal.

After we did our sound check Wednesday night, we ventured over to Miller’s Pub to grab dinner. Although the dinner was nice, and the salmon was good, I would have loved to explored downtown more, and eaten at a much cooler restaurant… but as a foodie knows, we aren’t too often in the presence of other foodies.

The next day was our performance, and as we walked to the Palmer House, I spotted The Goddess and the Baker. I then proceeded to freaking cry because I have been DYING to go there! If you are unfamiliar, it’s one of the food hot spots in the loop. Of course, you know I was screaming and made it my goal to make it there that afternoon.

After we performed (which was such an amazing experience) , my director let us take off.

I was torn between two places: Brightwok and Goddess and the Baker. But finally made up my mind to travel on over to Brightwok , a crazy good asian, stirfry organic combustion of amazingness. My dad and I started our walk down the loop and I practically skipped around the corner as I neared one of the places I had been swooning over for so long.

When we got there, the cutest message greeted us outside on a chalkboard. It was an immediate attraction for me, and I couldn’t wait to get inside!

As I went up to the counter, I saw all the fresh ingredients lined up and ready to be mixed into whatever you chose. After contemplating just about every option, I decided to go with their “Live Brightly” bowl- mixed greens with stir fried broccoli, carrots, peppers, edamame, cabbage and farm fresh chicken topped with a golden miso dressing.

I could not wait to get my number called. The smell and sounds of the fresh food were causing me to drool, and to tide the wait, I posed with their wall of Chopsticks.img_1522

Finally, #27 was called and I got my bowl. Wow. The flavors and freshness of the mixture was killer! The veggies were cooked perfectly, the chicken was tender and flavorful, while dressing added this awesome ginger kick that I could eat ten times over. Pure heaven in a small stir fry bowl, if you ask me.


I had left over dressing, so you better believe the rest came home with me… hoping to remake this beauty soon!

After I finished, I realized that we still had a half hour before we had to be back to head home so I made the executive decision, and dragged my dad over to Goddess, as well. I had an opportunity, and you bet I took it!


The way over to Goddess was filled with sunshine, and good city vibes that made me happy to be alive. As cheesy as that sounds, sometimes you just need a little perk in your day to add to the excitement of life, and get you through. The good weather, and the joy of exploring was just what I needed.

Not to mention when I walked in and saw the entire glass case full of fresh made pastry and the lists of food as well as house made drinks that double my picture. That made me pretty happy, too.


I knew I had to get the almond milk latte, but I also had to grab something to eat from here as well. I ended up with a superfood BOOST! ball, and grabbed a little homemade ‘nola bar to munch on another time. When in foodie heaven, am I right?


The latte was awesome- creamy, foamy, and out of my usual black coffee. It made me actually enjoy lattes, and the energy ball just added to the awesomeness. Seriously, cannot wait to come back and grab about fifty other things.

On the way home, I found myself totally cheesing over how awesome my day was, and it got me so excited for the future. I cannot wait to be able to explore, and hopefully spend my days in the city after school. Chicago, I love ya!


Where’s one of your favorite cities? Any places you’d like to explore?