Simple Almond Flour Waffles

I love a good waffle just as anyone, but unfortunately when you go away, most waffle mixes available to you are highly processed, and chocked full of ingredients I can’t understand.

As you can probably guess, I haven’t been eating waffles at school since I got there. And that makes me incredibly sad!

Waffles have been a huge part of my life ever since I started to recover from anorexia two years ago, and they have stuck in my life as I have continued to grow my interests in cooking and holistic food choices. I have constantly upped my game, and am always searching for new recipe including fewer, more complex ingredients to make the perfect, crispy waffle (as I like mine!).

This morning, I craved a darn waffle and I knew I wanted to try something with an almond flour base as I tried Simple Mills over Thanksgiving break and fell in love with the concept of it. I decided this morning would be the morning to give it a shot, and boy am I glad I did!

Processed with VSCO with f2 preset

Few mistakes were made: forgot to oil my waffle makes (DUHHHH!), and I also forgot to top with pure maple syrup…. THE STRUGGLE OF MY LIFE, FRIENDS.

Don’t worry, they’re still amazing no matter if they need to be yanked from the maker or you just eat them plain (dipped in black coffee, anyone?). Waffles are waffles, no matter how messy your morning turns out to be.

Poor Walter!

Simple Almond Flour Waffles

Makes: 3 small waffles, or one large

Time: 20 minutes


  • 1/3 C. plus 2 TBSP. Almond flour (I used Almond Pro)
  • 1/4 C. Unsweetened almond milk (Califia Farms)Processed with VSCO with f2 preset
  • 2 Egg whites
  • 1 tsp. Ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp. Baking soda
  • 1/2 TBSP. Coconut sugar
  • 1 tsp. Pure vanilla extract
  • 1-2 TBSP. Coconut oil

*optional toppings:  banana, blueberries, pure maple syrup, nut butter, etc….*

  1. Mix all ingredients together in a bowl. Make sure they are all consistently blended together. I like to use a fork to press them into each other.
  2. Melt coconut oil into the waffle maker (unlike I did!) to ensure the waffles come right off!
  3. Evenly divide your batter into three parts as you cook your waffles.
  4. Top those babies right away with any fruit or nut butter, pure maple syrup, honey  , etc…. and dig a fork in while they’re still hot!


Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal

I’m sure so many of you indulge in pumpkin pie around the holidays. I mean, it is the season!

And while some love pumpkin pie, some love a good pumpkin spice latte. Well, this girl loves a darn good bowl of oatmeal as it comes to November and December.

Okay- I love oats all the time- just, bear with me for the sake of the cheesy opening to my recipe!

Anywho, I’ve been bored lately, and so I’ve started really working on creating new things I can munch on in my dorm room which is super fabulous because I’ve truly missed cooking and have felt extremely detached from a part of me that I really enjoy. So I woke up this morning, and remembered the organic pumpkin that was on sale at target I bought on Friday! I also received pie spice from my friend’s mom on Saturday, and knew oats were on the way.

This breakfast literally kept me full for hours on end, powered my workout, and celebrated fall all in one bowl! Now that’s what I call a good start to a Tuesday morning!

I also named this skeleton Fredrick for October, and since I have to put him away…. he needed a small appearance!

Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal

prep: 5 minutesProcessed with VSCO with f2 preset

cook: 2 minutes (in microwave!)


  • 1/2 C. raw rolled oats
  • 1 tbsp. chia seed
  • 1/3 scoop vanilla protein (Sunwarrior)
  • 3 tbsp. organic pumpkin puree  (Simply Balanced)
  • 1/2 C. unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 tsp. pie spice (Penzy’s)
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1/3 C. water
  • Small banana*
  • 2 tbsp. granola (Lovegrown Foods)*
  • 1 tbsp. almond butter, raw (Woodstock Foods)*

  1. Add to a bowl your raw oats, chia seed, pumpkin and protein. Stir the ingredients until mixed. (if you are using a stove, this should be a pot over medium heat!)
  2. Now add in your water and about half of your almond milk. The other half will be used to top the oats.
  3. Stir this around until creamy and smooth. You may need to add a touch more water.
  4. Start adding your spices, and stir these into the mix.
  5. If you are using a microwave, cook for two minutes. The stove top requires a longer time frame, and should cook until the oats have absorbed all the liquids.
  6. Add another sprinkle of cinnamon and top those suckers with all them toppings and your left over almond milk!
  7. SMASHHHHHH!!!!!


*Toppings are not necessary but are HIGHLY recommended. I mean, what’s a bowl of oats without some killer toppings???

Cacao Coffee Overnight Oats

Here we go- another darn bowl of oats.

Nah, I’m kidding’ you- these oats have been inspired by my drive to add more variety and spunk to my diet again after some serious hard times of eating the same things and ending up gorging on foods my system does not like. It’s a long story, but starting this week, I’m making it my goal to eat new foods, and explore some fun recipes for my dorm.

These make the list.

I had a concert last night, so of course I want a breakfast I can grab to run to class, and give myself a couple extra hours. Then, when I was thinking about that, I remembered that I didn’t finish a cup of coffee from the morning.



I took the coffee, grabbed almond milk and some cacao powder and went ham.

Then, I layered some Siggi’s yogurt, banana slices, coconut chips, hemp seeds and cacao nibs for the most perfect bite in the morning I’ve ever had.

Love ya overnight oats!

Cacao Coffee Overnight Oats


prep time: 10 minutes

cook time: 2-3 hours; or overnight 


  • 1/2 C. rolled oats
  • 1 TBSP chia seeds
  • 1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder  Sunwarrior)
  • 1 TBSP. cacao powder
  • 1/2 C. brewed black coffee
  • 1/3 C. unsweetened almond milk (Califia Farms)
  • 1/2 container of plain Siggi’s
  • 1 banana
  • 1/2 TBSP. hemp seed
  • 1 TSP. cacao nibs
  • 1 TBSP. coconut chips


  1. Find a cute ass jar.
  2. Now add the oats, chia seed, cacao  and protein powder. Make sure you stir the dry ingredients around before adding liquids!
  3. After you stir the dry ingredients, add your coffee and almond milk until you get the consistency you enjoy.
  4. Stir and stir WELL! You don’t want chunks of chia, now do you???
  5. Slice a full banana and add half, then layer on the yogurt To the oats.
  6. Layer the other half of the banana on top of this, then add the rest of the toppings as you like!
  7. Scoff this sucker down!

Making Changes

So recently, I’ve been adapting a “vegetarian lifestyle”. One I’ve loved, one that I secretly promoted, and one that I only started at the beginning of the summer due to a past scare with my anorexia being promoted by the weight loss I had while I was a vegetarian.

Now with starting school, things have been a lot different than they’ve been in the past.

As I stated in my post about what’s been going on, my eating has been all over the place; weird cravings, full bellies and a lot of discomfort. I did a reevaluation of myself, and decided that I really needed to start looking at what I’ve been eating, and what I can do to stop the crazy food intakes that happen too frequently.

Here at school, there are not many options for vegetarians, let alone running vegetarians who need the right nutrients ALL the time. For the past weeks, I’ve been consuming the same things over and over and over again- which isn’t healthy for my body, either.

I’ve decided to reintroduce some meats into my diet for right now, and then when I return home for breaks I can practice vegetarianism as much as I want, as I’ll have access to all I need. It makes me upset, but at the same time, I need to listen to my head- meaning that I need the variety right now.

I wanted to make this post just so people knew and weren’t surprised if I posted something with meat. I still am a huge advocate for animals and love them to death. I’m also making sure that what I consume is well-treated and fed meat. Gotta have respect.

For now, I need to help myself until things can calm down and I can figure out my whole ordeal.

Curried Bean Bowl (Dorm Friendly!)

I wasn’t sure what to call this.

I think I have  a problem with that….  like, naming recipes and all that jazz? It’s so confusing because I really just like to throw stuff together and NOSHHHHHH before I can think of something clever to call it.

Oh well, Curried bean bowl it is!


This bowl is simple, delicious and quick to make when you have long days and the hanger strikes as you pull your sick bicycle into your residence hall bike rack after a long freakin’ day of classes and exercise or vegetation. Also super easy to make when the only things you have available to you are a microwave and a mini fridge.

Can you tell that that’s how my days have been going these past few weeks?

Curried Bean Bowl

serves: 1-2 (pending on your hunger)
Processed with VSCO with f2 preset
Serious yumminess.
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes


  • 3/4 cup organic chickpeas and black beans, rinsed
  • 1/2 to full sweet potato
  • 1/2 tablespoon curry powder
  • 1/4 tablespoon chili powder
  • 1/4 tablespoon cumin
  • 1/4 tablespoon turmeric
  • 1/2 teaspoon ginger
  • Pinch of sea salt and black pepper
  • 2 1/2 cups mixed veggies (I used carrots, peas, corn, onion, cauliflower, mushrooms, and tomatoes)
  • 1 1/2 cups fresh spinach
  • 1/2 cup tomato sauce

*Optional toppings: nutritional yeast, sriracha, avocado and tahini. Optional, once again. BUT HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

  1. Pierce your sweet potato with a fork and microwave on high for 5-6 minutes, depending on size.
  2. Place beans, spices, and raw vegetables into a bowl.
  3. Add tomato sauce to the mixture and stir away!
  4. Once the potato is cooked, place bean and veggie mixture into the microwave for 2 1/2 minutes.
  5. As this is “cooking”, deskin potato and chop that baby up.
  6. Throw your greens and potato into a bowl, and once the bean mixture is done, place that in the bowl as well.


Cheap, easy and damn delicious. Just the way we broke college kids like it.

Almond Oat Maple Cakes

I was in need of pancakes this morning.

Yes, a real good ol’ stack of cakes because today, I left for college. You know what that means?


I’m slightly dying over here.

I went for a short run to clear my head and then went straight for the kitchen to make these babies. Simple ingredients, subtle flavor, and toppings galore before I depart and leave my beautiful stove and kitchen.

Almond Oat Maple Cakes

serves: 1

overall time: 15-20 minutes


  • 1/2 Cup raw oats, ground into flour
  • 2 Tablespoons almond flour (I used Almond PRO)
  • 2 Egg whites
  • 1 Tablespoon maple syrup, pure
  • 1/2 C. Unsweetened almond milk (Califia Farms)
  • 1/4 Teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 Teaspoon baking soda
  • Pinch of sea salt
  • Dash of cinnamon
  • 1/4 Teaspoon maple extract
  • 1 Tablespoon coconut oil

  1. Ground raw oats into flour and dump into medium bowl with almond flour.
  2. Add all other ingredients besides the coconut oil to the bowl in order, and mix until it becomes a smooth and creamy base. You may need to add water to make the mix a bit more runny.
  3. Heat a frying pan with the coconut oil.
  4. Using a ladle, drop two to three tablespoons of the pancake mix onto the pan and wait for bubbles to form on the top.
  5. Flip your cakes as the bubble begin popping!
  6. Throw those suckers on a plate and top away! I used fresh banana, mango and of course, nut butter!

 Let me know if you try these babies- they’re delicious!!!



Foodie Essentials: College Edition

It’s August.

I kid you not, this is August and on Monday, I leave for college. Summer flew by quickly, and here the big change is coming in only a couple days. And what am I doing these few moments before I leave for my adventure?

Last minute shopping because I love procrastination!

I’ve been thinking a TON about what I’m going to be bringing for college and as a foodie, one of my biggest things is where I’ll be storing my essentials for meals on campus. Sure, I’ll be using the dining hall; but we all know you can’t survive off of that! In this post, I’ll be sharing some of the fun finds and key pieces I shopped for to bring with me for my dorm room.




I am ADDICTED, i repeat ADDICTED to hummus. Hope foods hummus has just recently been a part of my rotation, so I couldn’t help but grab a HUGEEEE container of it at Costco with my mom. Pray it fits in the mini fridge!

Bean Snacks

These little roasted beans are a serious must for a salty craving that is chocked full of healthy proteins and carbs. As a vegetarian, I wanted to make sure I had a snack I could rely on in-between class changes that would fuel me the right way, and it so happened that these were also at Costco! I often make my own roasted beans at home, but since I won’t have an oven, these are great.


Bars are something I stay sort of away from just because you never know what the ingredients can come out to be. But, as life moves fast, you also need fast snacks! I love lara bars, kind bars, perfect bars, etc. as they have ingredients I can understand and trust. They’re more for emergency, but we all have emergencies, right?!


If I didn’t have dates to dip in nut butter or create energy bites, then I would die.

*other snacks I’m bringing include: brown rice cakes, plantain chips and popcorn kernels!


Chia Seeds

Chias are perfect for snacking too, especially when made into a simple pudding so these will have to be a staple at all times. I’m always throwing them into my oatmeal, sometimes adding to my toasts. They add a healthy fat and protein in a quick pinch!

Raw Nuts

I think my go-to snack is almost always a good serving of raw nuts just because there’s never added sugar in them and they really help to keep you full when you won’t be eating again for quite sometime. My favorites include pistachios and almonds, and this one pack has pecans thrown in there, too!

Almond Butter

So this is a hugeeeee and delicious jar of almond butter that will hopefully last me awhile! I’m obsessed with nut butter. It’s good on everything.

*also bringing my tahini, homemade nut butters and hemp seeds!



I’m in love with quinoa, and Ancient Harvest has some of the best blends so a huge bag is necessary for the microwave cookin’!

Brown Rice

I got this small pack of brown rice at a fest that I went to, so it’s pictured but I do have more short grain brown rice I’m bringing with also to be cooked in the microwave! Super great for those macro bowls to fill up on cheap, yet nutritious food!
*other grains include Ezekiel bread, Engine 2 wraps, raw oats, bean pasta and coconut flour!

Random extras:

  1. Containers and a lunch bag: How else would you carry your stuff around campus?! I got a ton of rubbermaids, cute collapsable salad bowls, and regular containers for storage.
  2. Tea Towels: Gotta have cute towels when you’re instagramin’ some weird looking meals, am I right?
  3. Cute bowls and plates: ^^^^^^
  4. Almond milk: Duh.
  5. Cutting board and knife
  6. Can opener: Hello, I only eat beans like 8 days a week.
  7. Sriracha and nutritional yeast: goes on everythannnnnng.


There’s so many other essentials I’m sure I’ll be packing, but for now, here ya go! Let me know what types of essentials you use daily and would bring where ever you could!

What I Ate Wednesday 7.20.16

It’s been so long since I’ve done one of these; I’m excited to be back!

Lately, I can’t stop eating vegetables (like always!). But, it’s becoming intense. Most days I’ll wake up and actually crave vegetables for a bit. But after I drink some water, then I kind of realize I don’t want a bag of spinach for breakfast…
This was actually my Monday meals, but since I got a full day of pictures when I wasn’t working during the day, I figured it would work out fine for our purpose!


  I’ve really been wary of how much dairy I consume as it messes with my stomach. For some (wonderful) reason, greek yogurt doesn’t usually create any pain or discomfort, probably as it’s cultured.. As a person whose been working on getting more proteins into my diet, especially in the AM, a good ol’ Siggi’s dairy yogurt bowl (and black coffee!) with my homemade vegan muffins and granola works perfectly and kept me full through my hot yoga sesh! With breakfast, I always try to hit the three macros: protein, carbs and healthy fats.That way I get the best start to the day.


Lately, I’ve been insanely interested in middle eastern food. I don’t know what it is, but I’ve always been in love with spice, and now it’s really kicking in. An inspiration of mine recently has been Caitlin over at frommybowl ! A vegan food blogger and youtube, she’s helped me start to think about recipes and different things to try. I hate being stuck in ruts and unfortunately I’ve been eating a lot of the same things. THIS BOWL THOUGH! Curried lentil “chana masala” (or at least close???) With a ton of spices, flavor and paired with quinoa and greens. I’ll have to post my take on it.



I picked blueberries (10 lbs, people) the other day so right after lunch I devoured like, half a container. I’m obsessed, okay?

 Then I went shopping for dorm things, and ate raw nuts and ended up at our local farm where i bought a pickle. Not in a jar either. My first ever fresh as heck pickle. Super neat. Once home, I did some ab work, made my lunch for the following work day and threw together a really pretty salad to eat at work later that night because I have to work at a desk for five hours and I need some good food to tide me over…


My amazing salad: bed of greens, roasted sweet potatoes (cold! the best way to eat them!), balsamic tofu, roasted veggies and roasted red pepper hummus from Cedar’s (not pictured). The only way to get through my night.

That was my day! What types of things do you use to fuel your weekdays?





Friday Favorites: 7.15.16

Heyyyyyy heyyyyy y’all heeyyyyyy y’aaaalllll!

OMG we are back for an epic edition of: FRIDAY FAVORITES! And guess what??? It’s ALL ABOUT FOOD. So- FOOD. FRIDAY. FAVORITES. The triple F is what we’ll call this sucker on this fine July 15th.

Life has been swell, times have been rollin’ and I’m freaking out that it’s already the middle of July. College in like, a month, what?

Yes. A month!

I’m thrilled and nervous, yet I cannot wait to start a new adventure. And I cannot wait to start sharing some of my favorite things I’ve picked up this summer; and some exciting news from a special product in this… Continue reading “Friday Favorites: 7.15.16”

Cheezy Black Bean Burrito Bowl

Okay, so I have a bit of an obsession with Mexican foods.

Give me tacos or give me death.

Here’s the problem though: I don’t ALWAYS have excessive to amazing food. When the hunger cues begin and there’s no time to drive to an incredible restaurant, you’ve got to work with what you’ve got. AKA pantry and cabinet!

So that’s what I did. And what came out ended up being pretty darn delicious!

I started with organic black beans I got from Costco. The cans are even BPA free! How can you go wrong?

As I had those cooking, I started my favorite grain in the entire world: QUINOAAAAA. Yes, it’s weird to pronounce. Yes, it’s weird to cook. BUT YES, IT IS AMAZING! And when combined with beans, it’s the perfect complete protein to rock your meal and keep you full. And of course, who doesn’t love a good cheezzzzy flavor to their quinoa?

That’s when I grabbed my favorite meal addition: nutrition yeast. As a kid whose converting to vegetarianism, nutritional yeast has become a best friend to me. 3 grams of protein for a tablespoon with killer flavor? Yes PLEASE!

Alright enough of my babbling about food. I’ll get to the recipe.

Cheezy Black Bean Burrito Bowl



  • 1/2 C. Organic black beans, rinsed
  • 1/4 C. organic white quinoa
  • 2 C. greens mix
  • 2-3 mushrooms, sliced
  • 1/4 to 1/2 avocado, sliced
  • 1 tsp chili flakes
  • 1 tsp chili powder
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • Pinch of sea salt
  • 1 to 2 TBSP nutritional yeast
  • Diced cherry tomatoes
  • Organic salsa

  1. Begin by cooking your black beans on the stove. Rinse first, and then add to a small pot to heat the beans. As they are heating, add a touch of water, and then begin adding spices such as cumin and chili powder. These give the beans some flavor. Simmer.
  2. As the beans cook, begin the quinoa. Add 1/4C quinoa to about 3/4C water and bring to a boil.
  3. Let the quinoa simmer with a lid for about fifteen minutes.
  4. While the quinoa and beans are cooking, prepare your bowl of greens, dice the tomatoes and mushrooms, and slice your avocado.
  5. Once the quinoa has been cooked, mix in the nutritional yeast to give it a cheeeeeezy flavor! I also add a little chili powder and flakes to give the quinoa a spicy kick!
  6. Add the beans, quinoa and all the toppings to your bowl of greens. This includes all the chopped veggies and avocado, as well as the salsa.
  7. Now go crazy and face plant! I usually drizzle mine with tons of sriracha, but feel free to eat it with whatever you like!