Caramel Coconut Cashew Bites

I’m a huge fan of energy bites.

I used to be so, I don’t know, LAZY about my snacks! Sure, larabars are fantastic, but homemade snacks are one, an accomplishment and two, a great way to save money when in a pinch for a snack!

Now that I’ve started really working to make a lot of my own foods to ensure ingredients and sugars I would want to eat, flavors and experimenting with them has thrown me for a loop. I LOOOOOVE trying out new things, and these were a total accident after I messed up a batch of cashew butter.


The great thing about energy bites is that one or two satisfies you to pump out your workout or get through till the next meal. They’re definitely become a staple in my diet, and of course in my weekly prepping on Sunday afternoons.

Caramel Coconut Cashew Bites

makes 12 bites

prep time: 5 minutes

cook time: 10 minutes


  • 1.5 Cup raw cashews, unsalted, and soaked for ten minutes
  • 2 TBSP. warm water
  • 15 pitted dates, soaked
  • 1 tsp. caramel extract
  • 3 TBSP. coconut flour
  • Pinch of sea salt

  1. Begin by using a high speed blender or food processor to cream the cashews. This should create a smooth, ball of cashew goodness.
  2. Add the dates in, as well as the water and let the two ingredients combine.
  3. After these have combined, add the caramel extract, coconut flour by a tablespoon each time, and the sea salt. Let these all blend together.
  4. Remove the batter from the blender and roll into twelve mini balls. These should be around a tablespoon of the batter.
  5. Refrigerate or freeze and enjoy the heck out of these babies!

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