Antioxidant Smoothie Bowl

I’m crazy obsessed with different combinations, and I feel lost if I continually eat the same thing. Unfortunately lately with a busy schedule, meals have been repeated and I HATE THAT! I love trying new things and so when I had time one morning, I threw a good ol’ smoothie together that is simple, and packed full of good for you nutrients!

I started with an organic antioxidant blend of berries+cherries I purchased while food shopping the other day, and went ham from there. I added almond milk, raw oats, handfuls of greens, a half of a banana, protein and ice.

I was full for hours! As a busy bee, having meals that fill you up helps an incredible amount, and I hope this smoothie does the same for you!


Antioxidant Smoothie Bowl

serves: 1


1 C. Antioxidant blend (I used 365 brand)                    Handful of ice

1/2 frozen banana                                                             1 scoop vegan protein (I used Sunwarrior)

1/2 C. Almond milk, unsweetened (Califia Farms)

Two handfuls organic spinach

1/4 C. raw oats


  1. Add ingredients as ordered above into your blender or nutribullet, and blend, blend, blend!
  2. Top with anything you desire. I enjoy homemade granola, almond butter, fresh fruit, superfoods, etc…
  3. ENJOY!Processed with VSCO with f2 preset

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