What I Ate Wednesday

What’s hanging my lovely little sweet tatoes?

We’ve got another week of What I Ate Wednesday coming up for you, and I’m hoping to post more frequently on the blog other than just my What I Ate Wednesday’s. I’m working on a few recipes, some pieces about lifestyle, and maybe some running posts if you guys can swing with that! But, for now, another WIAW!

Life has been a little hectic, per usual, and I’ve got a busy few days ahead of me with an event for school that I’m running, physical therapy three days straight, a night of babysitting and hopefully, cooking on Sunday! I missed my prepping this week due to the fact I really won’t be around… *sigh*

Breakfast this morning was a little bit odd, due to the fact that my cravings were all over the place! I’ve had to go to the gym before school to get the bike in, so I’m always hungry but never know what I want! This morning, the decision was between oats and a smoothie, so I just threw them together in a jar. A blueberry cocoa smoothie with chia oats, then topped with more banana. It was okay- not the best- but hey, we can’t all have perfect breakfasts, am I right?

As I was eating, I scrolled through Instagram and saw that it was National Peanut butter Lover’s Day. Therefore, a spooning of my favorite crunchy peanut butter via Whole Foods was a necessity. Even Walter was feeling the need for this spoonful!

The last couple days I’ve been insanely hungry. I’m working on upping my calories as I begin to get back into running (a mile a day on the treadmill, babes!), and so my body is seriously taking it in. I munched on unpictured veggies like an hour after this, and then I tried these new bean bites from Eat Enlightened. Three ingredients, and seven grams of protein? Sign me up!

After enduring a boring and confusing math lesson, I was ready for my killer lunch I packed up the night before.

Baked chicken breast, on top of a bed of arugula, and roasted veggies cooked in some olive oil with avocado, tomatoes and spices. Then on the side, an orange for Vitamin C and raw almonds! 

This kept me full till I went to Costco after school and sampled some smoothies… I love smoothies. 

Afternoon snack age also included a little plain Greek, bluebs, organic cereal and Wild Friends PB. 

Dinner was a plain Jane due to the fact I got back at 730 from PT and another appointment. Joy, rapture.  

Finished the night off with a date and PB. Maybe two dates. I don’t know. 
Anywho, here’s just another Wednesday comin’ at ya! Hoping to post a bit more so keep on the lookout once I get back from my two day hiatus from media🙆🏼 
How’s your hump day treatin ya?  

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