What I Ate Wednesday: The Veggie Week Challenge 

Hey my beautiful people!

Here’s another Wednesday of eats coming at you, but a special version of: vegetarian week. On my last post, I explained how I’m going vegetarian for the week- more on that here.

Not going to lie, sometimes it’s hard to find an option that supplies my body with enough protein. Carbs are pretty easy, so I’ve really been researching to find some alternatives, and combos to help me get the nutrients I need.



We all know I can’t live without a good smoothie bowl, so this morning was a must. Such a random combo of blueberries, strawberries, kiwi and then frozen cantelope (lol) but it was definitely a treat! Also some Califia farms unsweetened almond milk, and Sunwarrior vanilla protein for that extra boooooooost! Unpictured: A very, very large mug of black coffee. I love it.

It may have been a rando, but damn, it was a good rando! And who could live without the coconut butter? It hardens like freakin’ turtle shell!



I love the lighting at school. It’s so blog perfect, I swear, I could live there and shoot pics ALL DAY. (Can you smell the sarcasm????) Anywho, threw together a quick ensalada with some of my homemade Chickpea salad (looks like poo, but it’s good!), left over lentil vegetable soup, and an apple pear. The Rx Bar came later….


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One: This bar matched my outfit perfectly and it made me extremely happy. Like, too happy. Two: This was AMAZING. My first ever RX Bar and it blew me away. Let me tell you a little something: the texture is to DIE FOR. It’s chewy, has some crunch with the nuts, and left me breathless.

This flavor was bomb too. The sea salt weaved within the rich chocolately taste with a perfect ratio. I say: 100000/10. And who doesn’t love ingredients you can pronounce??



Dinner was… rushed. I had an appointment, and then had to be back at school for a performance, so I threw together a favorite plate. I used a roasted sweetie that I made on Sunday (life saver), steamed broccoli, roasted beets, scrambled eggs with salsa, and of course, AVOCADO.

Then after I got home, an apple and pb was consumed. Such a staple and it makes me joyous.
That’s a wrap. Oh man, I could go for a wrap right now. Okay, that’s besides the point, SORRY. 

Don’t hesitate to send some veggie recipes my way! 

See you on the next post, my lovely sprouts! 


One thought on “What I Ate Wednesday: The Veggie Week Challenge 

  1. Your smoothie bowl is beautiful! So colorful! I’ve been wanting to try the Rx bars, I haven’t been able to find them in stores yet though.


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