Friday What Have Ya’s





Can you tell the days off are making me happy?

Since I’m gonna ride this flippin’ awesome mood I’m in, I decided that hey why not be a cool ol’ blogger person and share some of week faves- food, music, life, all that jazz

  1. First on my radar?  This song.


This song. Wow, this song makes you feel so empowered and I absolutely love that. The way this girl hits the notes and sings about overcoming makes you get up and dance. Literally. I do it every time I hear this song. For anyone who needs a pick me up to remember how amazing you are, this song will do it for you. I promise.

2. Next up on my list is The Body Book by Cameron Diaz. This one of my Christmas gifts from my Aunt, and honestly it was one of my favorites. I’ve only just begun reading it, but just like the above song, you put it down feeling like a million dollars.


3. My mornings have recently been consisting of a ton of smoothies, and I’m not complaining. To be honest, if you would have asked me a while ago if I wanted a smoothie for breakfast, I would have shook my head and gone for a more blah breakfast like toast (which is still ahmmmazing!). But after seeing all the amazing creation a blender can spew out, I decided to give them a try and I’m pleased that I did.


4. Four of my favorite bloggers this week (and every other week…!)

  • Chickpea in the City – Addie has killer pictures; ALWAYS. Her instagram is such an inspiration for mine, and I’m sure many others. Her blog is on point, gives great reviews and she is such a sweetheart! Her food never, ever looks bad, either.
  • Initforthelongrun – Okay, Georgie is probably one of the coolest human beings alive. She’s so open, so funky and fresh, I just freakin’ love it! Her smoothies are TO. DIE. FOR. No joke! Her blog is full of great stories, recipes, and fun little tid bits. She’s also super personable and has helped me get into blogging!
  • rachLmasfield – Rachel’s oats are fantastic. Please stare at her instagram and then report back to me on the things you will be throwing into your oats after. Not to mention, the recipes this girl has been throwing out have me licking my screen.
  • Hummusapien –  love, love LOVE Alexis’s WIAW posts. She cracks me up, and reminds me of my total snacky habits! Her recipes are also serious mouthwatering. She also has great nutrition tips, and just seems downright awesome.


5.  You know I’m a foodie, I mean… it’s like, basically my middle name, you feel? Here’s some bites that I’ve been partial to…

  • Fix Sriracha Sauce
    • They sent me a bottle of their product and boy, it’s good. I like spice quite a bit, but this one’s slightly muted which is super nice because sriracha can be hot as hell.
  • Goji Berries – Himalania
    • Being a super food must be hard work because these babies are like, AWESOME. Sprinkling them on my smoothies, oats, and even toast or a muffin gives it an extra kick. These were on sale at Whole foods, so naturally I grabbed a bag!Processed with VSCOcam with a6 preset
  • (2!!!) Almond Butters
    • Recently, I’ve been straying away from peanut butter and more towards the fantastic almond. I mean of course I’m still obsessed with peanut butter, but almond butter gives me some good vibes, man.


*lowkey- still very very in love with Wild Friends and so my mom snagged me a jar at Homegoods. I haven’t tried these yet because I’ve been trying to spoon up the rest of my Trader Joe’s jar and the rest of the Wild Friends I have open. CANNOT WAIT.


Just a little gist of what’s been plopped on my food, going through my feed, blasting through my ears and bringing inspiration this past week.

Let me know what some of your faves have been this week!

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