Banana Pear Green Smoothie

I’ve been seriously addicted to smoothies lately.

Not a joke; I’m finding myself going to bed thinking of random combos to throw into my nutri bullet. I’ve started a pinterest (follow me; shameless plug) page, I’ve scanned the internet for inspiration…

It’s becoming a problem.IMG_8622.JPG

No- actually- it’s not. Smoothies are wonderful and SO. SIMPLE. The thought of my drowsy self throwing some easy ingredients into a cup and having an almost-immediate meal gives me thrills. And this morning, I felt like a green smoothie was the way to go.

I’ve tested some greens here and there, and never was satisfied.. a weird mix of berries, too much spinach or kale.. I thought I lost hope. Until I came home from the gym this bright and shining last day of 2015, and whipped this sucker up.IMG_8620.JPG

The taste is sweet, vanilla packed, and with an added bonus of spinach, you’ve got yourself a whole food meal that can be topped with an assortment of goodies…


Banana Pear Green Smoothie

serves one


1/3 C. unsweetened nut milk              1 handful crushed ice

3/4 frozen banana                                  1/2 frozen Bartlett pear

Spritz of water                    1/2 scoop vanilla vegan protein (I use Sunwarrior)

Heaping handful organic spinach



  1. Chop banana and pear into medium chunks to help blending process.
  2. Add the ingredients to your blender. Start banana, pear, spinach, ice, protein, milk, and then water.
  3. Blend that sucker and top with the goods! I used Siggi’s plain skyr, raw almonds, Nature’s Path granola, and fresh strawberries!


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