What I ate Wednesday: First ever! 

As many of you know, foodies are constantly centered around food.

I mean, that’s where we get our names. Food. Foodie. Makes sense.

And as the average joe, we look to these foodies to provide us with awesome food options to get us through our days- so that’s why I’ve decided to create some what I eat on Wednesdays to show you guys some things I eat as meals and as snacks!

For a first one, I’m just going to do kind of a mix of things I’ve been munchin’ on lately


Lately, oats have been a killer breakfast for me… not sure why but I’m wakin’ up these days craving a good bowl of oatmeal topped with tons of fruit.

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This bowl in particular: Salbachia chia seeds, unsweetened vanilla almond milk, then topped with fresh banana, frozen berries, Justin’s Maple almond butter and hemp seed!

Breakfast is by farrrr my fave meal. I mix it up all the time so be on the lookout!


Still in high school, so packed lunches are my go to. I’m never into the nasty caf food- so I provide myself with things I actually enjoy (aka Turkey sammies)

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Typical. So typical.

Lowkey: OBSESSED with Whole Foods Seeduction bread. SO SO tasy!

Also, these KIT’s bars are fabullouuuuus. Favorite flavor? Definitely the Cherry and pumpkin seed.

Snacks usually consist of a Siggi’s dairy, fruit and nut butter and sometimes…

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This. This salad was killer.

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Lifehouse Tempeh is super nutritious and delicious. I threw mine in a pan with a little coconut oil, and some chickpeas. Then threw the salad together with organic spring mix, avocado, tomato, cucumber and red onion. A MUST.


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